Your Company

Ruby on Plain, your Intelligent Rails Assistant

Revolutionize Your Development Workflow with Plain: The AI-powered Rails Engine that Contextualizes Your Project and Documents it Beautifully.

Develop faster

Discover the Innovation of Plain: The Rails Engine that Transforms Your Development Experience

AI-Powered Contextual Assistance

Plain harnesses the power of AI to provide real-time insights into your Rails project. It goes beyond typical organization and management, delivering a deeper, contextual understanding of your work. Make development decisions with added confidence as Plain guides you every step of the way..

Integrated Documentation Site

Forget about disjointed files and folders. With Plain, your markdown files are seamlessly integrated into a beautifully designed, user-friendly documentation site. This dynamic feature allows developers to effortlessly add, modify, or access project documentation, keeping everything you need in one organized place.

Designed for Every Developer

Whether you're a Rails newbie or an experienced developer, Plain is for you. It's created to simplify and streamline the project management process, regardless of the complexity of the tasks at hand. Enhance productivity, improve workflow, and discover the ease of Rails development with Plain by your side.

Boost your productivity.
Start using our app today.

This is just the beginning, soon we will release the engine as open source and build a hosted service for every github repository